The purpose of the Schubert Club Piano Ensemble Group is to provide an opportunity for pianists to come together, learn from and collaborate with each other on pieces that require one (1) or two (2) pianos and at least two (2) pianists. This joint effort culminates in music with many more layers than can be heard by a single pianist on a solitary piano. The Schubert Club Piano Ensemble Group holds an annual concert in the Spring of every year.
2024-2025 Concert Information
March 29, 2025
2:00pm -4:00pm
Pequot Library
720 Pequot Avenue Southport, CT
Registration Details
All registrations to perform must be completed and submitted online in order to be included in the program. All performers must be Schubert Club Members.
Registration Fee: None
Registration Deadline: January 31, 2025 *
*No registrations will be accepted after the deadline