Our Team

Board of Directors


Seray Goktekin


Jennifer De Jesus

Marketing & Strategy Officer

Nilay Goktekin 


Young Musicians Festival

YMF Registrar

Marjie Brake

YMF Strings Chair

Seray Goktekin

YMF Piano Chair

Marjie Brake

YMF Woodwinds & Brass Chair

Marjie Brake

YMF Harp Chair

Wendy Kerner

YMF Voice Chair

Caroline Worra

YMF Composition Chair

Wendy Kerner

Schubert Club Juniors

Schubert Club Juniors Chair

Seray Goktekin 

Awards Competition

Awards Competition CHair

Donald Charlamb

Performers Workshop

Performers Workshop CHair

Seray Goktekin

Duo Piano Group

Duo Piano Group Chair

Rita Lapcevic

Piano Ensemble Group

Piano ENSEMBLE group chair

Dorothy Grimm

Information Technology

Website Design

Nilay Goktekin 

IT Professional

John Deliberto

IT Professional

Steven Janofsky

Research, Grants & Press

Research, Grants & Press Chair

Nilay Goktekin 

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