Young Musicians Festival

Young Musicians Festival




The Young Musicians Festival (YMF) has a rich history in Connecticut. Originating almost 70 years ago, the YMF has and continues to provide piano, voice, harp, string, brass/woodwinds, and composition students the opportunity to prepare a performance and/or present a composition to be adjudicated, receive constructive feedback, and accumulate points toward a gold cup.

Students are expected to prepare and perform two pieces that are adjudicated by two judges. Performances are scored on a scale from one to five (1-5). Each performer receives a certificate for their participation and when a total of 15 points, earned in cumulative years and in a single category, have been acquired students receive a gold cup. Points in excess accumulate toward a future gold cup.

Registration for YMF 2025 is Now Closed

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Complete information for the 2017 YMF is on the website:
The purpose of the Young Musicians Festival is to provide a noncompetitive
performance environment for students of public school
age. Teachers must be a member of the Schubert Club- non
member teachers will submit a fee of $55.
Students benefit by hearing other students of the same level
perform, while practicing their performance skills by preparing
two pieces from a YMF syllabus. These performances are
adjudicated by two professionals who give written comments and
a rating (1-5 points) on the students’ performances. Each
performer receives a certificate according to their achievement
rating. Points accumulate annually and are noted on the
student's record. When 15 points have been acquired, the student
receives a gold cup. Further points are accumulated toward a
second or third gold cup.
Any questions regarding applications should be directed to the
YMF Chair, Registrar: Marjie Brake, 46 Glenarden Rd,
Trumbull, Ct 06611
Piano Chair: Marjie Brake [email protected]
Voice Chair: Caroline Worra [email protected]
Diane LaSala
[email protected]
Harp Chair: Wendy Kerner 203-554-0267
[email protected]
Composition Chair: James Kessler:
[email protected] 914-843-3650
Flute Chair: Moira Schur Craw 203-762-1245
[email protected]
Computer support: Steve Janofsky [email protected]
Dates for YMF
Piano: Saturday, March 11, 2018
Sunday, March 12, 2018
Saturday, March 18, 2018
Sunday March 19, 2018
1073 Benson Road, Fairfield, CT (Fairfield
Voice: Saturday, January 28, 2018, 10 to 5 p.m.
Sunday, January 29, 2018, 12 to 5 p.m.
The Stanwich School
257 Stanwich Road, Greenwich,CT
Caroline Worra and Diane LaSala
All other dates, places and fees will be announced on the
Piano: Saturday, March 11, 2018
Sunday, March 12, 2018
Saturday, March 18, 2018
Sunday March 19, 2018
1073 Benson Road, Fairfield, CT (Fairfield
Voice: Saturday, January 28, 2018, 10 to 5 p.m.
Sunday, January 29, 2018, 12 to 5 p.m.
The Stanwich School
257 Stanwich Road, Greenwich,CT
Caroline Worra and Diane LaSala
All other dates, places and fees will be announced on the

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